Currently, in the Japanese forestry industry, proper forest maintenance is not being carried out due to the aging of the population . Imported timber is soaring, but domestic timber prices are sluggish, and even if you take care of the mountains, it will not be money, so the number of people who take care of the mountains is decreasing, and devastated forests are spreading all over Japan. Not only does this prevent nutrients from flowing from the mountains to the sea, but it also causes sediment-related disasters caused by heavy rains, which have occurred frequently in recent years . Proper forest maintenance is necessary, and we must consider creating abundant forests for the abundant nutrients to flow into the sea . In the wake of the earthquake, Kesennuma City also has activities to connect the sea and mountains that make the best use of forest resources, and forest resource initiatives that take the environment into consideration are active . There are many young people who support this, but there are few jobs that are always fixed and stable, and the future is uncertain due to the influence of corona, so it is urgent to create a new job.
Motoki Koyanagi, a former part-time worker at the electronics store Horitech in Kyoto, moved to Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I started it a year ago . However, the current situation is that the work of Kesennuma is declining these days.
This Makilac was created by Kyoto's wood-burning stove enthusiasts from the need, but like the mothers raised by FB rocket stove associations, wood-burning stove associations, and self-made stove associations nationwide, please comment "like". Thank you for your cooperation, and it has been completed after repeated improvements . We will make this one by one from Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture. Wood, which is a material, has the advantage of being able to effectively utilize chips from local forest management and high-quality wood that is wasteful for firewood. In addition, iron processing is also suitable in areas where shipbuilding technology required for fishing, which is a key industry on the Sanriku coast, has been developed . With the decline of the fishing industry and the decrease in the number of jobs of skilled welding workers, manufacturing in Kesennuma is suitable in terms of local economic recovery by making use of materials and human resources .
The Makirac Kesennuma Factory wants to revitalize the region and at the same time create a rich and brilliant forest.
We hope that Makirac, a carrier, will be transported to everyone who loves wood stoves because they want to contribute to environmental protection and carbon neutrality .
Horitec Co., Ltd. 〒604-8063
148 Nishiiri Aburayacho, Fuyacho, Takoyakushi-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Tel: 075-221-3684